#26 Gratitude Challenge Completed
Jan 25, 2017So, I’ll begin by saying my dates are off. When I began my gratitude journey for 2017, it was Wednesday, the 4th of January, not the 5th as previously posted. Gratitude is gratitude and the dates are really irrelevant.
Day 12
Sunday 1/15/17…Taking Risks/Trusting
Apprehensively, I signed up for yoga teacher training for the next six months. Everything in my logical mind screamed, “Are you crazy?!”, while my intuitive Self told me to trust and move forward. Being only three days into the training, so many ideas and opportunities have already presented themselves to me. I've been convincing myself year after year that it's not the right time to get certified and deepen my yoga practice. I'm so glad I followed my heart and honored my inner voice. Who I am to get in the way of a higher sense of being?
Day 13
Monday 1/16/17…Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I spent today quietly watching and listening to the speeches of Dr. King on YouTube. I found myself filled with such gratitude for all of his efforts in the name of peace. I kept wondering, Who is the MLK of our time? Who do you think it would be?
Day 14
Tuesday 1/17/17…Discipline
I don’t want to double dip and list my yoga practice a second time as one of the many things I’m grateful for. So instead, I’ll acknowledge the discipline it took for me to get to the 6:00 pm yoga class after work today; knowing everything I had to do to prepare for school tomorrow. Yoga is always worth it and discipline is a good thing.
Day 15
Wednesday 1/18/17 …New Teachers
Today in Room 37, our class was introduced to a student teacher who will be with us until May. We couldn’t be more excited! She is passionate about the field of education and I’m looking forward to all I’ll be learning from her; even though her placement in Room 37 is to learn from us.
Day 16
Thursday 1/19/17…Acupuncture and babysitting (Is that two?)
My friend Terri is quite a gifted acupuncturist. I have a standing appointment with her every Thursday evening, and on some days after my appointment, my niece schedules one for herself, which allows me to look after my great-nephew. I don't know which is better, the release, relaxation, and balance these treatments provide allowing me to get through my week more clearly and calmly, or the cuddles and the giggles that last until I see my nephew's cute face again.
Day 17
Friday 1/20/17… Flexible, Healthy Students
Today we started the school day with half the class absent. Before the day was out, we lost five more to fevers and strep throat. There was no way I was going to teach my planned lessons only to have to teach them again on Monday. So, with best-laid plans put aside, the students pulled together and sterilized the classroom, inside and out, with Seventh-Generation wipes. I've never seen kids so happy to clean before. They really had a ball!
Day 18
Saturday 1/21/17…Throat Drops
My need for throat drops in the middle of the night proved that I had not escaped the sickness spreading throughout our classroom. An uncontrollable cough woke me from a sound sleep and nothing, but the natural soothing relief of the drops allowed me a few more hours of sleep.
Day 19
Sunday 1/22/17…Hot Water & Dr. Teal's
I woke this morning with every muscle in my body aching. I have no doubt now that the bug of Room 37 has made its way inside of me. With every fiber of my being, I threw off the covers, shuffled to the bathroom, and drew a bath of hot water and Dr. Teals. I could think of nothing better to soothe the aching muscles of my body. It was no easy task to ease myself down into the tub, but the glory of the hot water made all the difference.
Day 20
Monday 1/23/17…Steve
Husbands come no better than Steve. I have to just put it out there. And yes, we've had lots to overcome, but he is there for me always, unconditionally, and often with a little smirk on his face giggling at me for something or other. When women start hating on their spouses, I just can’t go there. Steve does nothing selfishly and considers the kids and me in every single decision he makes. I love him and I am very grateful for him today and forever.
Day 21
Tuesday 1/24/17…Brady and Drew
My babies! Who are no longer babies… They’re funky young adults who are doing their best at finding their way in the world. The two are the best of friends and I enjoy their company immensely. The notion that our children select us and come into our lives to teach us lessons is such a romantic belief. My kids continue to teach me lessons every day without having any idea they are doing so. I’m still learning lessons from memories that pop up from their childhood. Parenting is one wild and crazy ride that has me most grateful for their selection of me.
What A Joy!
The 21-Day Gratitude Challenge was a joy to participate in. I don’t want to wait until 2018 to do it again. We should start a movement to roll right into another 21 days, and just keep it going over and over and over.
Wouldn’t it be lovely for everyone who posts on social media, to first post what they are grateful for before posting anything else? There’s an idea.